Documentation of Cherry Framework

Integrate with WebDriver

'Let me google that for you', said The Agent...

Another concept Cherry Framework introduces is the Screen. A Screen is the Graphical Interface of your system or part of it (e.g. web component, widget etc). A ScreenElement is a particular element (selection box, input box or button etc.) that can be located using a specific tool (e.g. WebDriver By locators, Fest TypeMatchers etc.). ScreenFactory is a factory which can help you instantiate a class implementing the Screen interface, and enrich it with the data it requires to function properly by means of specific annotations.

[Note:] Screens do not contain any functionality. They are just containers of ScreenElements or other Screens.

Things can become clearer using some examples from the cherry-webdriver module:

   import io.magentys.webdriver.WebScreen;
   import io.magentys.webdriver.WebScreenFactory;
   import io.magentys.webdriver.annotations.Url;

   public class CherryFrameworkDocumentation extends WebScreen {

       public TableOfContents toc = new WebScreenFactory().init(new TableOfContents());

       public MainChapterContent mainChapterContent = new WebScreenFactory().init(new MainChapterContent());


TableOfContents and MainChapterContents are equally screens but comprising of WebScreenElements & looking like this:

  import io.magentys.screens.annotations.Alias;
  import io.magentys.webdriver.WebScreen;
  import io.magentys.webdriver.WebScreenElement;
  import io.magentys.webdriver.annotations.LocateBy;

  public class TableOfContents extends WebScreen {

      @Alias("Introduction Link")
      @LocateBy(css = "li[data-level='0'] a")
      public WebScreenElement introductionLink;

      @Alias("First Chapter")
      @LocateBy(css = "li[data-level='1'] a")
      public WebScreenElement firstChapter;

          more elements go here

You can now use all of the screens as follows:

  1. Make sure you assign an instance of WebDriver to the agent (e.g. ChromeDriver)
  2. Create a Mission to use the screen
  3. Get the locator of the element and use it to find and use the element you're interested in.

So your Mission could look like this:

  import io.magentys.Agent;
  import io.magentys.Mission;
  import io.magentys.webdriver.WebScreenFactory;
  import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;

  import static io.magentys.webdriver.missions.WebDriverMissions.*;

  public class GoToIntroduction implements Mission<Agent> {

      CherryFrameworkDocs cherryFrameworkDocs = new WebScreenFactory().init(new CherryFrameworkDocs());
      public Agent accomplishAs(Agent agent) {
          WebElement webElement = locate(cherryFrameworkDocs.toc.introductionLink).accomplishAs(agent);
          return agent;
